In Person Connections vs. Social Media?

from my old blog: Friday, July 31, 2009

What is your experience on the value of Social Media to your company (linked in, twitter, facebook, etc.)? I’ll share a tally of what I deduce from people’s responses here if you participate. Here are some of my thoughts:’m dying to hear people are actually gaining business, not just branding, from all the time spent on Social Media.

We all want a magic pill for our marketing to burst through the roof, but the closest I’ve found so far is super smart, experienced, resourceful, action-based Marketing Coaching. There are those who swear a good website is all you need, or fabulous customer service, or the cutest logo – but that’s not the only answer, and in fact just too narrow-minded.

But if you find that magic pill that works for all businesses, by all means prescribe it for me.  After all, knowledge is bliss – but pills are easier to swallow :0

 UPDATE: we found people were wasting lots of time trying to learn social media, so we created an action tool to help them get on track:


In Person Connections vs. Social Media? — 1 Comment

  1. i have tried social media marketing for getting our new products to be known on the market. it seems to work well specially if the audience is targeted .`

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