You Are Not Alone

If you feel overwhelmed learning how to get clients from social media (Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, etc.), you’re not alone.

Daily, I speak with businesses spending up to 4 hours each day on “social” [media], yet have no sales to show for their efforts. It takes vast ramp up time to learn how to use this new media effectively and to manage campaigns so it works to build business.

[Save time: print this out and read at the gym during your warmup!]


If social media can enable revolutions that change world politics or reconnect family members after a tsunami, perhaps the value is apparent.

There are 500 million users on Facebook alone, 55% of those in the U.S. are women. 90% of people visit a social media site monthly so if you’re not found, you’re just losing business. The ability to vastly increase your outreach is significant, but only if you know how to convert that time into clientele. If you’re just tweeting around, you’re certainly not alone.


This media is still in it’s infancy, changing weekly. It feels impossible to keep up with changes, which is why we brought social media experts onto our team to help our clients. They have increased clients’ websites by 22 million positions on the web (on Alexa, for those of you who know this reference). That means you’re found more often so sell a lot more of your offerings! Our social media team just earned a client $15,000 in 4 months by integrating social media strategies with their blog and existing marketing activities. Need help? We have a Social Media Management package to help you.

We’ve also built business through social media. It’s not just about how many followers or “friends” you have. Like any successful campaign, it’s about integrating with the rest of your marketing and then managing that.

**Last week, I timed myself: it took 52 minutes, on average, each morning just to check social pages, add some relevant links, do some outreach, respond to participants and monitor sites in my industry.

Statistically, most people aren’t benefiting from social tactics. That’s why we’ve created an “ap” for that: Social Media Management . You’ll get our team’s strategy and the execution to make it a powerful part of your marketing.


1. Here’s a useful tool to monitor your marketing and operational activities: Set a big online clock –  You might be surprised how long you’re spending on social, or billing, or marketing and realize you could be more effective and profitable hiring pros in those areas.

2. Start by tying your social media messages to your blog and website to build traffic and readers can find out more about your offerings. You just can’t build that relationship in a 40 character tweet, but useful information on your blog might demonstrate how you can help. More visitors. More calls. More sales. (more donors, for non profits).

3. Need help writing or creating your blog or updating your website? We’ve an “ap” for that.

4. Don’t like to write? Let us interview you. You’ll receive an mp3 file you can add to your web, blog or email to prospective clients. How to Get Interviewed:

5. Start with one tool, like Facebook or Linked in. Join or follow discussions and participate when you have a contribution. When you’re comfortable with that, branch out a bit. Just spend 10 minutes a day to start.

6. Get a business (fan) page on Facebook, instead of using your personal page to connect around business. Sure, you can share some personality, but best to keep those two pages separate. So you don’t lose your many ‘friends’ on Facebook, they recently introduced many new upgrades for your fan pages.

You can now convert your personal page to a fan page, where appropriate.


We brought in experts to power up your social media so it’s coupled with the right marketing strategy to increase your outreach, with proper messages to build your business.

Want to try it yourself. Here’s our 5 day DIY social media action plan – just $17  to properly set up your profiles and get started with your business building and outreach?


We’ve created ‘Freebie Fridays” where we reward new fans with a gift and “Thank You Thursdays” rewarding our loyal fans. If you’re not a fan, click on the icon below and you’ll get automatically entered to win, after you “like” our Facebook business (fan) page and leave a comment.


Our agency flourishes from supporting organizations across many industries. We’d be bored if they all did the same thing. They benefit from our experience delivering tactics that work inside and outside of their knowledge base (“Knowledge is Bliss”, right?):

This month we get to help improve Intuit’s outreach and message to a select market. As a long time Quickbooks fan, it’s a blast to help spread the love in the campaigns we’re creating.

American Bone Health (ABH)

This non profit brought our agency in to create a marketing plan to increase visibility and outreach in order to educate vastly more people on their mission: to eradicate osteoporosis in our lifetime.

One of our shorter term strategies to gain traction in the community was to partner ABH with the amazing Piedmont Yoga Community (PYC)  to create a bone-safe yoga event piloting locally. We’re creating an ‘event in a box’ to be rolled out nationally, in time. PYC teaches yoga to people with cancer and disabilities. I stumbled into their class by accident one morning, amazed by watching them teach six people in wheelchairs having a total blast. That’s when I fell in love with the organization.

We secured sponsors for this yoga event and rolled out a media plan outreaching to over 6+ million local viewers in television, newspapers, magazines, online and through social media.

Psychological Astrologer Renee Bornstein

We also love helping start up entrepreneurs manifest their vision into reality. Renee practices a form of Western Astrology that is fused with Archetypal Psychology. She turns your perception of “woo woo” Astrology on its heels by bringing a universal and mythic level perspective to her readings. When Renee helps you understand your position in the Universe, you can then affect positive change in your life by tackling lifelong challenges, accepting unexplained beliefs, or uncovering unrealized potential that can change your life and your career.

We’re supporting Renee in developing an outreach strategy, a facility she’s planning for gatherings. We are also giving her tips to monetize her knowledge as well as turn readers of her fascinating blog into clientele, which she learned in our “Idea Lab Walks” . Keep an eye on her. First star on the left. Or visit the website she built to learn about her readings .

The Alliance for Community Development (ACD)

The Executive Director at this organization challenged us to create a plan that their volunteers could use to promote their educational event to build business by matching funders and venture capital with startups in need of funding. Details:

Authors. Authors.

We’re helping several authors get their books to market – but in a big way, not ones-y twos-y sales. It’s all about specialized marketing programs instead of traditional channels filled with middlemen taking cuts from the authors. Contact us if you want details.

Confessions of a Dissertation Editor– Who knew editing could be so fascinating with such drama throughout the “life”

of a dissertation?

Sustainable World Sourcebook– a comprehensive resource covering all major areas of sustainability – from community to planet to economics with a resource guide to boot!

Talking Dirt –  is the complete guide to organic gardening. But it’s insanely hilarious. I especially love the “dirt diva” author’s universal “whaa whaa” rating on difficult divas vs. low maintenance plants.

Awaken the Genie Within –  is my “morning affirmation” book loaded with parables of wisdom and stories that turn life stresses into joyful appreciation. News flash: the author is now giving hand readings coupled with her vastly practical, deeply soulful and thoroughly enjoyable coaching. Just ask her for details.



While voting is closed, we’re glad to have been nominated as an “Initiator” for our ‘Idea Lab’ walks by one of the nations top

thought leaders in business: Seth Godin’s Domino Project.

These guided (consultative) individual walks take you along the water, away from meetings and your computer to navigate brainstorming sessions on business building without that nasty “to do” list staring you in the face. Not surprisingly, our method clarifies the bigger picture – and you even get some exercise while working: “idea lab walks” . It’s a gift you give your business!

Group Walks: For groups of 6 people from work teams, we’ll ‘walk you through’ challenges of growth, leadership, overload, problems at work even rebranding – whatever your quest. You’ll get an assessment review, a guided one hour walk with our proprietary method, and a”decompression” session to review lessons along with a recording and highlight report. It’s guaranteed to bring the clarity your group requests in one hour! Take a look at what others experience .

Be sure to visit our social media pages for updates or freebies!







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Please share your comments below or on my facebook fan (business) page –

so we can all benefit from your experience.



Allison Bliss, Director of Allison Bliss Consulting, a Bay Area marketing and

communications agency.

Experience Breeds Knowledge.    Knowledge is Bliss.

Bay Area’s only full service marketing & communications agency with bottom line experience owning and managing dozens of successful companies delivering experience in every media from print to internet to major Hollywood feature films. Award winning agency & creative teams. Clients Claim: “Incredible, Measurable Results”


Total Bliss. Creative Teams.

  • Graphic Designers,
  • Web & Blog Developers
  • Copywriters,
  • SEO (web optimizers)
  • Programmers
  • Internet Marketing & Social Media Specialists Publicity & Media
  • Strategists, Market Researchers


Contact Allison Bliss Consulting at (510) 879-7600.





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