Our goal is to bring facilitated programs to companies to get butts out of seats, get people walking to make smarter, more creative decisions. That leads to healthier businesses led by happier employers and more loyal, healthy employees.
Check out our Best Bay Area Walks
Throughout history people have known “Solvatur Ambulando: It’s solved by walking”. This post looks at some of the concepts and perceptions about why we solve problems walking.
Sharing this article found on Huffington Post because it has some good resources for 50 of the most comfortable walking shoes. You can’t have a Blissful walk, if your feet are hurting 🙂 photo credit: Amazon … READ FULL POST
Love this article from the NY Times. Had to share for your enjoyment, even though it’s not about the business-issue-solving walks that I offer in Walks With Bliss. The beauty of a ‘walk and talk’ By Jancee Dunn [excerpted to remove non relevant items/ads] Hello, … READ FULL POST
Sharing this fascinating video from Zaytuna College about Muslim beliefs of mindful walking. Excerpt from their website; . . . “special presentation by President Hamza Yusuf on the importance of walking as a devotional practice. Learn about the physical and spiritual benefits of walking” . … READ FULL POST
Thanks to long time friend and colleague, Barrie Marchant for sharing this beautiful article by Sibbie O’Sullivan from the Washington Post about “walking, as so many people have discovered during the coronavirus pandemic, is freedom. Three new books remind us that it’s also so much more.” … READ FULL POST
“Mindful, Mythical and the Preposterous: Experiential Learning of Labyrinths” Labyrinths are found in every country on our planet. Thought to be an archetypal symbol of transformation, they can open participants to the great mysteries of life. In the Oakland hills, there are 11 labyrinths outside in … READ FULL POST
Allison co-led a wildflower walk in Oakland’s Roberts Regional Park on April 30,2016 for a private group. Thanks to Jenny Rieger of Columbine Landscaping for sharing her vast knowledge on medicinal & Native tribes’ uses of plants – and helping us identify several of the 3 … READ FULL POST
I dreaded meditation exercises for years until I figured out my morning walks actually were meditations. I just get double the benefit; mindfulness or mind clearing, plus a bit of exericise. This is just one of the exercises we use in our “Moving Forward Focus Walks” for … READ FULL POST
article about nature making us smarter, excerpted from article by Richard Louv.
Sharing an article from the Washington Post on politicians competing to get the most steps. I find it encouraging that even our top politicos are finding ways to incorporate walking into their work. The article quips; “[Rep. John] Boehner’s staff even holds meetings in the Capitol Rotunda … READ FULL POST