from my old blog: Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I love this hilarious email from a national organization in my industry (below). It’s how we all feel in a recession even though few will admit it: are we just untalented, unworthy of success, offer products or services that are not as good as our competitors, or do we suck at our job? Or is work just slowing down?
NOTE FROM THE ORGANIZATION (unnamed to protect the innocent sender from embarrassment):
“If any of you are wondering if it’s slow around town or maybe you just suck, well, it’s slow around town. Some probably do suck, but let’s just blame it on the economy so we can all feel a little better heading into the holidays.”
If you’re feeling like you suck, too, welcome to the club. If I’d not survived several recessions myself, and career changes, I’d not realize that one can learn to be super creative during this period, tapping skills or marketing talents you’d no idea you had.
When I finally started making some cash as a musician, getting ready to audition for some great jobs, my solid silver flute was stolen by my college roomate’s boyfriend who melted the silver to buy drugs. There was a 3 year waiting list to order another handmade pro model (built just to fit my embouchure- mouth) . So, while I had another non-professional model flute, I just couldn’t perform at the same level or tonal quality and had to grieve losing the career I’d been groomed for my entire life . . . and then move on in order to pay my rent [survival is a great marketing teacher!].
I took my ‘amateur’ flute to write and perform ‘incidental music’ for live theatre. Surprisingly, I almost liked that more animated representation of my music than just performing on stage. And I didn’t have to be locked in a practice room for hours each day perfecting my skill – a very hard discipline for a social person. I found a new vitality to this type of music, and discovered 3 career hops later that I actually use the essence of music in my marketing today- creating ideas for clients, intuiting a deeper understanding of their business and potential markets. See, it’s all about creative thinking and taking action.
And this example is NOT really about me, but shared so you’ll extrapolate and use this ‘understanding’ in your own marketing during this critically tough time.
In marketing one’s business, the secret is to couple analysis & business experience with abstract imagination to find that key essence in your product or service. That’s how you attract those who need what you offer – forming a kind of harmonious existence, just like playing in an orchestra. This is a critical path to recession proofing your business. You’ll get into a rhythm of discipline outreaching to help those types of people who need your talents, skills, understanding, wisdom, connections, resources or “offerings”.
So, where do you meet them? Just pick up the paper and start a bit of networking, thinking of it as a gift to help you find people who need what you offer (scroll down to find the ‘networking tips’ report). If you need some tips to inspire your OWN creativity, consider marketing as a sort of ‘spiritual’ practice:
like music which requires deep thinking, good listening for harmony, attunement with others, clarity of pitch, passion of delivery, and practice, practice, oh-so-rigorous practice. Then apply those lessons to your own business. If you can’t make it happen yourself, let our Marketing Coaching guide you to ‘symphonic’ bliss.That’s what I’ve learned weathering 3 recessions. And no, you don’t suck. The economy does. After all, Knowledge is Bliss. Ignorance is just an expensive mistake.