Our Favorite Holiday Ideas & Gifts

So little cash, so many people we want to gift, too many choices. Could I be the only one in this predicament?

Here are some of our best ideas below. We hope you’ll share yours, too:

Help save a village! No kidding. . .

In honor of my blog readers, and in the name of my worthy, talented, brilliant clients and creative teams, I’ll be using my agency to donate (a small token of what we want to give) to each of 5 organizations this year:

Heifer International – giving animals producing milk or wool to sustain whole villages (I’m a vegan so don’t believe in killing animals)

American Bone Health (donation of time, they’re a client) – eradicating the disease of osteoporosis in our lifetime

Covenant House Oakland (donation of time & money) – housing and training homeless foster youth

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)


$15 “Into the Mystery” CD from One World Music.Scroll down to see the CD. Their concert was the best I’ve seen in about 5 years – unbelievable. If you missed that, you can email them to ask to be notified for the next concert (next year), host them for house parties (50 people or so), or buy their CD.

$7. “Parents in Love: “52 Tips for a Magical Marriage After Your Child is Born, by Linda Salazar. In my opinion, this booklet should be mandatory for all parents or couples – of any gender or relationship to each other. Written so the entire booklet can be read in one breast-feed session. Clever, huh?

$14.95 “Awaken the Genie Within”, also by Linda Salazar. For friends, family, colleagues or anyone who wants a wonderful daily parable or affirmation. I keep it on my desk at work!

$custom pricing: Archisys provides CIO (Chief Information Officer) and IT services in the San Francisco Bay Area and Colorado. A CIO provides strategic advice as a senior leader planning the technology to fit the organization’s objectives. A CIO brings a kind of “Technical MBA” to integrate business solutions, budget, return on investment, risk and a full understanding of technology options.

$prices vary. Pennie Sempell’s Healthier Happier Life has an e-news sharing integrative health tips and a website (site under construction so email her)  for teachers to bring a health curriculum to the classroom through Pennie’s educational music CD’s, tools, and other projects.

$custom pricing. Lisa Locke of Locke & Key is the best recruiter bar none. Unlike other recruiters, she actually gains vast  knowledge (imagine that!) the the industry – and for the client – she is recruiting! If you think you’re saving time or money screening job candidates, don’t be a dope like I was before I hired Lisa.

$custom pricing. Shauna Vanderhoek, of YourBizLady is a project manager extraordinaire. She hosts a radio and helps small businesses learn big tricks, tips and tools for success. She consults nationally (by phone) – just ask if she can help!


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