Plan for Community Garden

as of 10/6/14


Create very small container community garden in the parking lot of a local organization. This small, rollaway garden would serve to build engagement for neighbors, an alliance of communal efforts for the organization, a visual focal point for under freeway crossing entryway into Jack London Square District, and a community service allowing outdoor gardening for apartment dwellers who have no yard space.

We will need to create raised rollaway beds that can be pushed back when the paved space is needed for the organizations other events.The goal is to get a few planters started by December 2014 to benefit from winter rains.

Greenery is important to provide shade, to quiet traffic, train noise and remediate air pollution. Every contribution to greening, even in small part, helps to cool global warming and to beautify the neighborhood.

To start we plan to create a few rolling raised beds for a minimum of participants to pilot this community building program. We will monitor operational efforts, impact on water useage, clean up & storage, rollaway organization for opening the parking lot, and work out challenges on a small scale before rolling out opportunities to the community at large. Fundraising and design will develop concurrently with the pilot garden launch.

The ultimate purpose may develop into creating a public art project around a garden, or growing organic food for local restaurants with long term rentals for chefs, a gathering spot for the community to meet or have small celebrations – or something we haven’t dreamed of yet. To start, it’s just a space to grow outdoor plants for those who have no space.


We would like an architect or hardscape designer to create a design vision for this project. Perhaps vertical poles of sweet peas surround the entire garden. Or edibles are grown to support community events. Maybe planter boxes or unique shade sails or umbrellas add color splashes throughout the garden area –  or planter boxes are designed with a cohesive vision or theme to unify the space.


We already have 3 sponsors for the project willing to provide discounts at plant nurseries, olive trees bearing fruit, composting or other small in-kind contributions to the effort.

YOU CAN PARTICIPATE OR HELP. Please leave a comment or contact information if you want to help plan, grow, donate or manage this effort.


Beautify a main entry point into Jack London Square with our community garden. Give neighbors place to grow food, plants, butterfly gardens or whatever they wish (within legal & property guidelines).

WHAT WE NEED– preliminary  overview (details will be added below later this week)

  • Sponsors or Contributors
  • Management plan & volunteers
  •  Equipment, planters, soil, water, netting, etc.
  • Storage bins for supplies, tools, etc.
  • Supervision & Maintenance
  • Water and/or irrigation system
  • Coordination & communication channel(s)


Those bringing this project to reality will get first choice of garden plots. Time and resources will be valued to make a fair determination.

·         Rent 8’ plots to grow vegetables, flowers or whatever you wish: $30/6 mos.

·         Help us plan the space design, guidelines, coordination of the garden

·         Manage or volunteer to organize and run the garden project

·         Build a website with online forms to support coordination, resources, etc.

·         Plan the irrigation system

·         Secure sponsors, volunteers or donated items or funds

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