Do You Want to Be in O, The Oprah Magazine?


It took us a long time to find a Publicity Partner who we trust and endorse for our clients. Meet Susan Harrow:

Do you have a product, book, service, or cause you’d like
2.65 million readers to know about?


Are you a writer who has something to say about
relationships, courage, how you’ve helped make the world a better place or have an unusual emotionally moving and uplifting story–or can write about someone who has?

Find out what it takes to get mentioned, featured or profiled in “O Magazine”.

A few things you’ll learn:

  • Oprah’s 10 hot buttons–topics that the editors are looking


  • The strategies publicists used to get their clients in 0–

one got her client in 3 times.

  • How to package what you’re promoting so it’s tailored to
  • Oprah’s editor’s tastes, styles, and sensibilities.

Until June 16 midnight (EST) the O ebook will be 1/2 off. Click here for your copy.

After that it reverts to its original price.

P.S. You can find out more about the contents of the ebook here:
remember to get the 1/2 off–After June 16 Midnight it goes back to regular

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