Helping Businesses with Intuition

Where do ingenious ideas come from in business, science, art or life?

I believe listening to our intuition is a primary intelligence, and reason is only secondary justification.


Here’s how we’ve put this into use this month for some very worthy clients you may want to know:

I consulted with a client to redevelop a kickstarter campaign to raise funds for a film about the importance of play time. Turns out that play heals trauma, reduces crime, resolves conflicts, finds ingenious solutions to seemingly intractable problems, and makes life worth living. These theories came from intuition and only much later have been proven by reason and studies. However, without the justifications of reason, it’s tough to get funding in our culture to enable a business to take deep intuitive knowledge to the marketplace. Take a look at this campaign on Kickstarter (crowdfunding, in case you didn’t already know) and pitch in if you can!

What did this client experience from my mostly intuitive guidance?

I missed Allison’s radio interview but got Allison LIVE this morning and Wow! My Kickstarter campaign for “Seriously! The future depends on play” got a serious kickstart. It’s more coherent, sharper, I have a stronger offer, and all aspects of my brand are now mutually reinforced! It was the best 2 hours I’ve spent with any consultant…possibly EVER!” – Gwen Gordon

Our publicity team outreached to over 6 million readers to publicize a concert for one of my awesome jazz band clients.  Here’s a little PR film our teams made for them so you can have a taste of their unusual acoustic jazz octet:


We’re currently incorporating new keywording and SEO standards into a cloud-based accounting firm’s website. Need a good accounting firm? Contact us and we’ll hook you up.


We continute to increase  social media engagement for a skincare client – increased from 57 likes to 4300 over last 10 months – nearly tripling sales. We’re building their brand, creating a ‘voice’ for their messages, bringing vast awareness and top rated customer service as part of our social media management for them: Need some great skincare lotions? Contact us and we’ll hook you up.


I’ve created a business evaluation with a strategic marketing plan for a well- established career consulting company that uses their vast experience in astrology (and career advising, of course!) as one of their tools to help clients find more purposeful careers that fit their deeper life purpose. Fascinating mix of talents, isn’t it? Intrigued by this and ready to re-evaluate your career potential? Contact us and we’ll hook you up with this company.

Want more information on reason vs. intuition? Take a look at our opinion piece on neuroscience and business?

Need some insight brought to your business to increase business? Contact us and we’ll deliver! 510-879-7600.

Please share your own experiences about how you use intuition in comments below! We are all learning. Knowledge is Bliss.


Helping Businesses with Intuition — 2 Comments

  1. Allison, you lead my modeling for us. Love your news and all the clients you are helping. Our time together was just what I needed to get my business to the next level. See you soon!

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