Walking to Improve ADHD at Work

improving work for those with ADD or ADHD. Challenges and answers in our therapeutic Walks With Bliss for physical and mental health. Learn about our scientific study on ADHD and walking.


Wellness Walks for Reduced Stress, Life Balance, Full Spirit Expression and Emotional Health

Introduction of the Walks With Bliss Wellness Program for enhanced work productivity – not just through physical, but also full spirited expression, life balance, and enhancement of mental or emotional health, as well.


Walking Increases Creativity: A Stanford Study

What do Aristotle, Nietzsche, Rimbaud, Kant, Rousseau, and Thoreau have in common? Yep – stimuli from walking! A recent study from Stanford University revealed that walking boosted creative inspiration by 60%. The act of walking itself, and not the environment, was the main factor. Anecdotally, our … READ FULL POST