Is It Worth Your Money to Advertise?

When to use ads, when advertising is not advised, how broadcast ads work, with demo of what makes these print & online ad examples work for Munchery & Here Comes The Guide.


The Spirit Underneath Marketing

Here’s a principle from my upcoming book on “Marketing That Fills the Soul”. This section I’ve cut from the book to only allow for my blog readers: PUTTING OUT TO THE UNIVERSE: THE CLARITY OF PROMOTION There is little doubt that by expressing what we … READ FULL POST

Great Ad Campaigns Aren’t Enough

from my old blog: Saturday, April 5, 2008 I just read that Kaiser, the behemoth healthcare association in California, only signed up 100,000 new members last year. And that despite their fabulous ad campaign about ‘thriving’ using Allison Janney to voice over clever scripts about … READ FULL POST