Benefits of just ambling walks

Love this article from the NY Times. Had to share for your enjoyment,  even though it’s not about the business-issue-solving walks that I offer in Walks With Bliss.  The beauty of a ‘walk and talk’   By Jancee Dunn [excerpted to remove non relevant items/ads] Hello, … READ FULL POST

The Dome at the Lake

This article witten by CJ Hirschfield during her long tenure as the “Queen Fairy” (Executive Director) of Children’s Fairyland in Oakland Last week I came across the script that was used when Fairyland’s train used to venture through Lakeside Park, before it was permanently brought … READ FULL POST

Wildflower Walk in Roberts Regional Park

Allison co-led  a wildflower walk in Oakland’s Roberts Regional Park on April 30,2016 for a private group. Thanks to Jenny Rieger of Columbine Landscaping for sharing her vast knowledge on medicinal & Native tribes’ uses of plants – and helping us identify several of the 3 … READ FULL POST

Walking Clinics For Health, Visionary Ideas, and Stress Reduction at Work

walking clinics offer fun, safe techniques for strengthening, increasing endurance, and visionary idea building you can bring to your workplace.